
New York People Following Aram Barthol’s Offline Idea

Generally we download and upload information from online.But now New York people are placing their laptops on walls in order to download information.All this credit goes to Aram Barthol's because of his offline idea.Instead of depending on online information by using this name 'DEAD DROP' we can download movies,songs and other kind of information.

We can achieve this by sending some information on pen drive and placing it into the wall.So if people wants some information instead of downloading it from online they have to insert the pen drive on the wall to their laptops and they can download that information in the pen drive and they can also upload their information into the pen drive.

Already some of the New York buildings have this 'DEAD DROP' facility.Aram Barthol want to spread this all over the world.

Posted by siva on 8:34 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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