
Google Android beats blackberry,Apple and Nokia Smart phones

Smartphone market was once ruled by Black Berry and Nokia. However, these two brands have now taken the back seat, as Google Android rules the market.
The Android phones by Google are the most popular, and in demand smart phones in USA. A survey carried out by Nielsen on Tuesday released this statement. Even on Tuesday, Nokia’s shares saw a fall of 15 percent in this quarter.
Neilsen’s surveyed over 65,000 mobile phone users and found that at least 36 percent use an Android phone. Apple iPhones are used by only 26 percent and 23 percent use Blackberry. Android by Google has defeated Blackberry, Nokia and Apple iPhone.
On an average, a single Android user uses 582 MB data every month. Compared to this Apple iPhone users use only 492 MB data. Even the operating system launched by Google Android is gaining much popularity.
The survey reports by Nielsen were bad news for RIM- Research in Motion, the makers of Blackberry. While Nokia saw a fall of 15 percent in New York, RIM saw a fall of more than 4 percent. This news came in after Nokia had initially spoken about the dipping sales of the mobile phones.
The investors avoided investing in RIM. The stocks for RIM closed at 41.35 dollars. This is the lowest for RIM since 2006. RIM has not been so low on the Toronto Exchange since 2006.
Since 2008, RIM has lost around 60 percent value, whereas for Nokia it is 43 percent in the past year. The lowest for Nokia’s stock is $7.02, which was recorded on Tuesday. This has been the lowest for Nokia in the past 13 years.
As told by Jon Ogg, the analyst to Mail and Global
“Nokia’s warning this morning is probably just the prelude to another RIM warning that investors have learned to get used to.”
Jon further said that if these companies want to have their foot strong, they must opt for a merger.
However, another analyst made a statement saying
“We do not like mergers but this may be the only shot for these companies to stop the bleeding. Admittedly, this is a long-shot deal. A RIM-Nokia merger might encounter too many problems before getting off the ground. Still, what choices do these two companies have today?’
Google Android is giving a tough time to all time leaders- Nokia and Blackberry. Google, whenever comes up with something, it is the best, and makes a strong position for itself in the market.

Posted by siva on 9:38 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

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