
Battery Man in Pozarevac

The man who is called with name Battery man is slavisa pajkic from pozarevac in serbia why because his body can bear current. Generally if 50 volt current flows in our body its dangerous,but he can control 20,000 volts current through his body without any injury. So thats why he is in guinness book of world records. Not only that by flowing 20,000 volts of current through his body he can heat up 1 cup of water in 97 minutes at 97 degrees centigrade,this is also another record.

He apparently discovered his amazing capabilities when he was 17, and he’s been in an incredible relationship with electricity, ever since. Some reports say that because of a genetic defect, Slavisa Pajkic has no sweat and salivary glands, and scientists suspect current isn’t really passing through his body, but passes on the outside of his skin, which acts as a natural insulation.

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